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Call to Action - 5/29/2021
May 29, 2021


In our ongoing efforts to combat absurd and unsafe legislation, we strongly urge you to join us in opposition of NY Senate Bill S6615.

Click HERE and submit your opposition. It takes all of 15 seconds to complete the online petition.

Apparently Attorney General Letitia James is more concerned about her purported upcoming Gubernatorial run and placating radical voters and criminals than she is about protecting the public she pretends to serve.  Her malfeasance in her portrayal of Police Officers is shocking and offensive. I urge you to click the following link and read her own words on the subject in her authorized press release. Additionally, some other irresponsible elected officials who support this legislation make some severely disparaging remarks against law enforcement. You should note their names and the statements they make.

Attorney General James Announces Robust Reforms to Police Use of Force Laws

They are all misguided in their opinion that the Police are the problem in society. The Attorney General’s disdain for law enforcement is obvious, hypocritical, and counterproductive. The politically correct and innocuous sounding titles of these “reforms” makes it easy for the public to gloss right over them without paying attention to what they really mean. Unfortunately, by the time the public realizes what is happening, the radical elected officials will further make New York a more dangerous place to live and work.
Policing in New York State is at a crucial crossroads, and the law abiding public is who will suffer the most when the Police are completely handcuffed from protecting them. You should note that there are many elected officials in this state who have additional bills pending that further endanger the public and your personal safety as well as your personal ability to provide for and to protect your family. We have an ongoing list of these bills on our website and include them in our weekly emails. The time to pay attention to such legislation began long ago. You need to be mindful of the changes and be very careful with how you make decisions while attempting to protect and serve the public.

We continue our collaborative efforts with our local partners in the PBA, SDA, DIPBA, SC Police Conference, as well as the Suffolk County Law Enforcement Coalition. We are also working with our Nassau County and NYPD counterparts as well as our state and national associations: the NYS Association of PBAs, the Police Conference of NY and NAPO.

Please share with everyone who supports the safety of the general public and prefers not to be a crime victim…

When the sheepdog is gone, who will protect the sheep from the wolf?

Be well and stay safe.


Suffolk County Superior Officers Association
2518 Montauk Hwy
Brookhaven, NY 11719

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