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With the anti-police narrative in full swing by those with an anti-American political agenda, we know how important it is to shed light on the truth. Sharing the information is challenging, as the false narratives of the anarchists are fully endorsed by the main stream media. Additionally, some social media companies are censoring material.

The Public Information portion of our website has various sources of factual information to dispel the false narratives and provide facts and accurate statistics about the police. This information is in the form of articles, videos, studies and much more. We add information regularly, so stop back in from time to time. 

Links to all of our social media accounts are available on the website and we encourage you to like, follow us and share our posts on those platforms. Together we can spread the truth; because facts matter and the truth will prevail. 

The SOA will be posting our political endorsements for the November elections. A link to register to vote is on our homepage. We thoroughly screen candidates as part of a law enforcement coalition. Those who support public safety and can stand proudly for law and order, will be strongly considered for our endorsement. Politicians who pander to criminals and turn their backs on the law abiding public, can expect the same treatment at the polling booth. Too many politicians only work to keep their jobs, rather than do them and serve the public.

The silent majority of patriotic citizens support public safety and law enforcement, but it is time for the majority to be silent no more. Spread the word by sharing the truth and stand up for what is right. The men and women of police departments across the country are out there every day to protect you, your family and your property. If you do not support them and allow small, bullying, anarchist groups to take over your country and dismantle police departments, who will be left to protect you? 

Police departments are some of the most regulated entities in the country. The system of checks and balances has many layers and the criminal justice system in this country is still the best in the world. The notion of a rogue police state is utter nonsense. Defunding the police will lead to an increase in violent crime, particularly in our most vulnerable neighborhoods. The strong will prey upon the weak. Together we can protect our communities.

Speak out for justice, support the rule of law and stand with your police.


Page Last Updated: Apr 11, 2021 (12:59:42)
Suffolk County Superior Officers Association
2518 Montauk Hwy
Brookhaven, NY 11719

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